Read it aloud, if you could.

[The Ten Tenants 「十人の住人」](

r/LearnJapanese: [If you can close your eyes and get what’s happening in this story you’re a pitch accent master](

“*Juunin no juunin*” and “*Kurumade kurumade*” – Can you pronounce these two correctly?

This short story kinda reminds me of *Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den.* I mean sure, it wouldn’t be that hard for advanced learners to understand what’s being spoken, but PRONOUNCING it? No way.

1 comment
  1. Unpopular opinion: Pitch accent is over-hyped.

    Does pitch-accent make a learner sound more natural? Sure.Is it important for a learner to focus on sounding natural (pitch accent) before learning even more fundamental aspects of the language such as grammar and vocabulary? No.

    (I also don’t think the passage used in the video is meant to exclusively be heard, without any reference to the text)

    Example: Shashi Tharoor.

    One could say Tharoor has a non-traditional English accent, but no one could ever accuse him of lacking fluency. (OP’s username makes me think they’ll understand the reference here)

    EDIT: missing words and structure

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