Did my server rizz me up or was it just cultural formality?? 😭

I ate at a ramen chain and when I went to pay, I laid the money down on the money tray. The server readied the coins so that I’d open my hand to receive it instead of picking it up from the tray.

When I held my palm out to get the change, he CUPPED the back of my hand with his and dropped the coins so that his fingers touched my palm 😭😭😭 id never seen/had anyone do that in Japan or America

Ngl that was my roman empire. I’d like to think it was rizz but my friend said it’s a rarer form of Japanese formality but she’s seen it done before.

What do yall think??

update: reading everyone’s comments made me realize its is just cultural formality. Still, it was the first time I’d experience it so itll stay as a lasting memory. And yes any kind gesture of a stranger makes me feel special and nice inside😌😋

by sorarus

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