Hiking Japan and need a book recommendation

We’ll be hiking in the cold amongst shrines in Japan and would love to enhance the experience with a book.

Thinking something in the vein as:

The Italians (Luigi Barzini)
The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)

Can be poetry or slice-of-life from history. Not so much modern.

That sort of vibe.


  1. I would go with a collection of Basho’s haiku. Sounds like a great time! Enjoy.

  2. Maybe try audiobooks? You can fit hundreds on your phone, so a lot lighter. And you can listen while youre on the move. I’ve dozens of books and podcasts on my phone (mostly science stuff) for that.

  3. Two books by Alan Booth would work well. The Roads to Sata and Looking for the Lost. Great reflections on long journeys in Japan

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