Is it possible to report lost items two times -at two different police box?

Hi everyone! Apparently, I lost my residence card recently, reported it to police station and got a 受理番号 number for lost item. But it has been almost 10 days and i realized i need to get it reissue quick.. I search up immigration bureau where they will replace it and found out theres another police station next to it! So i thought,it could be more convinience (and less bus fee) if i had had the 受理番号 number here instead… is it possible to redo the whole 受理番号 getting process here again in station B without having to tell the police station A that i get another number and ask them to just cancell the old numbers off?
UPDATE : they wont get that we need the cerrtificate to get reissued… So saying i wanna get reissued won’t work, you have to state that you want A CERTIFICATE… aaa or else theyd just get you a number and shoo you….

by Full_Deal_6092

  1. Why would you need it issued again from a different station? All you need is the notice from the main police station and you can get the card reissued the same day. You really can’t be without that so you should go today or tomorrow. Is there a reason you’re waiting?

  2. huh. I lost mine once too

    you report it lost, ask for a 紛失届け , they’ll print a form you lost it and you’ll take it to the immigration. Immigration will give you a new card just like that. There is absolutely no reason why you’re waiting this long.

  3. I also believe if you report it as lost at one station it goes into the system so if it’s found at another police they will contact you ..

  4. I forgot my zairyu card in photocopy machine of Seven Eleven.

    1 week later I received a letter from police center.

    They invited my for pick up my zairyu card

  5. Is it okay that they give you a receipt with the case number only? Will immigration accept that? I went to report to a Koban at Haneda and that’s all I got

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