[[Basic japanese] Audiobooks/Videos with transicptions in hiragana/katakana

Hey there,

are there somewhere (even paid) good materials with basic japanese that I could use and learn by listening and repeating that? I know hiragana (I won’t start learning kanji) and all I want is to be able to understand and to speak. I don’t care about writing and reading much.

So I was thinking about videos with text on it (even with kanji – but translated to english with hiragana – so I can read that at least…).

I’m aware that everything can be written in hiragana and katakana in Japanese but people over there are not used to that because kanji is just better for them, but for me kanji is just….. hell.

So I would learn kanjis by seeing them, reading (in hiragana) and listeting. Not as a single signs.

Does materials like this exist?


  1. You could give Satori Reader a shot. Technically it does the opposite of what you want, since it’s intended for reading practice. But it’s still a resource that has easy-ish texts for learners that you can listen to, see in text form with furigana or in kana only, and you get sentence-by-sentence translations as well as definitions for individual words.

  2. https://hirogaru-nihongo.jp has short stories with audio and related photos about the topic. You can toggle furigana on or off. If you want to look up meanings in English, you may need to use something like rikaikun extension on chrome.

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