Nice bags and food souveneirs in Kyoto?

Hi! I’m in Kyoto atm, and I’ve noticed that the fashion here is really understated and elegant. The girls my age mostly carry backpacks, whilst the guys carry really nice handbags. The mature ladies carry really classy handbags.

1) Where do you recommend buying nice and fashionable leather shoulder bags that won’t break the bank (<US$200)?

2) What are your favourite food souveneirs from the Isetan food hall? I’m sacrificing stomach space trying everything and so far I haven’t had ultimate favourites. I’ve tried the Yoku Moku duo chocolate cookies (Shiroi’s is better), Press Butter Sand Ichigo Chocolates (not bad but not the best), the Chocolat Bel Mer’s chocolate pops that look like lipsticks (saw many Japanese ladies buying and followed suit, but it isn’t to my taste buds, I prefer dark chocolate that’s not too sweet and this tasted milky and quite sweet), and matcha financiers from Kyo-en (?) (Really milky and sweet).


by Sweet_Cost306

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