Is it taking anyone else a long time to learn?

I have more time to study it if I set my mind to it, but I only consistently study about 1 hour everyday. It’s just too tiring to do more than that. I immerse myself more than that but that’s not the same thing. I know I could work harder but it would kill my motivation.

But I feel like I’m trapped in intermediate purgatory. I learn and learn and learn and all I have to look forward to is shoveling more information into my brain only to feel like it’s never enough. When will I stop having to learn like 300 new words every month 😭.

Is Japanese really this hard or am I just slow. I mean I know it is but I keep thinking about how if I had just stuck with French instead I’d be so much better by now. I feel embarrassed knowing others know more than I do for the same amount of work and I don’t like telling people this cause they’ll think I don’t know much when I’ve been trying. It’s not my fault I have to learn two readings for one word 😩

by AbsAndAssAppreciator

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