Questions about the free Wi-Fi for the whole building thing.

Hi. I have been searching online for some answers on this topic, but everything is either outdated or doesn’t really make sense maybe because of differences from Eastern Europe.

To keep it short, I am moving into a building rented by the company. Ota Ku ,21 units, built in 2019, “free wi-fi”, I will be on the 3rd floor. Idk if there are any other relevant details.

What I want to know is how does this actually work? Is there really one single router connected to probably a 1gbps for 21 units and I am stuck with it when it comes to internet?

For reference, I am a heavy internet user. Multiple 20+ Gb updates a month and of course streaming and talking to family at home are also non-negotiable. Latency that keeps me under 300- 330 ping all the way to Europe is also a must. Idk if this is asking for too much, it seems normal here and I am not from a rich country. Please let me know if I am asking for something crazy.

So, I saw [here]( something about LAN ports going directly to every apartment. Is that the case generally? Or do only a lucky few have this? That would at least help a bit.

I saw on reddit that the free internet is mostly unusable, yet you are not allowed to get your own, making it a loophole you can’t get out of. This info was pretty outdated and for all of Japan (maybe Tokyo has it better, so is this still the case?

I know that a lot of those are things that I have to ask the company about since they may vary, but I would be crossing the line if I tell them I need fast internet for gaming and streaming, so I have to ask people here for case to case things.

Also, maybe you guys can help me ask the right questions since it seems the situation in Japan is really different from here. What are some important things to note and ask the company that won’t get me in trouble?

Also, is the situation really that bleak? Or have things improved since from the posts I have seen from 4 years ago? Maybe I am just misinformed. If you are in the same situation please let me know how it works for you!

I won’t ask how to fix this, since maybe it isn’t a problem in the first place. I mean getting 100mbps stable would do the trick if it is connected to fiber-optic(which I know it should be in Tokyo). Even if it is only through LAN, my laptop has it so I am fine with that or I can buy my own router. I will only look for fixes once I actually move.


by Radusili

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