Port forwarding on Buffalo router doesn’t work (ISP uses MAP-E)

I was pretty sure I got everything working but when I came back from my weekend, I suddenly had no internet and I couldnt even connect to the routers IP. So I removed power, replugged, everything flowing again except my port forwarding settings.

I have a Buffalo WSR-A2533DHP2 and my ISP uses OCN Virtual Connect to setup IPv4over6 via MAP-E protocoll. I confirmed that my public IP is not behind a carrier grade NAT as whatismyipaddress shows the same as my router under system settings. Under port forwarding, the router shows a list of available ports (利用可能ポート番号). I am sure this list was not there last week. And why I want to edit my last forwarding rule (which was still shown), it now showed a popup message saying this port is not available (利用できないポートです). I guess my router somehow got an update or whatever (the firmware version looks the same though – 1.23 which is from 2022?). That would also explain why I had trouble when I came home today.

Anyhow, I tried different ports, different settings but nothing seems to work. I check multiple different port checkers online and all report the ports are closed. My internet settings is set to PPPoE perform “Internet@Start” and my port forwarding internet-side IP address is configed to the same:

Internet側IPアドレス: PPPoE1:Internet@StartのInternet側IPアドレス
LAN側IPアドレス: [](
プロトコル: TCPポート: 59006
LAN側ポート: TCPポート: 59006

I turned off uPnP and DMZ is also off. I can confirm the service is running from within my localnet. Any other ideas?

by highchillerdeluxe

  1. So… You can use openwrt and map-e. Its way faster as well. So just buy yourself a better router.

    The setup is a pain but I’m happy with it.

    I use a soft modded ax3200.


    Install map-e module after OpenWRT, then follow the guide.
    Make sure to replace  ***/lib/netifd/proto/map.sh.***  as well
    And I had to make some other changes after that because my phone couldn’t send Line messages.
    I cant remember what they were atm.

  2. Put your address into here:


    You can see which ports can be forwarded.

    With MAP-E, you don’t get the whole IP address. Only a segmented part, with certain ports you can use, and other ports are being used by other customers. This is a hard limitation of MAP-E.

    If you want to be able to forward any port, but also use IPV4 over V6, you need to choose a provider that allows that, and pay some extra amount per month. One of the companies which I know has this service is en hikari, you can choose it with either MAP-E run via KDDI backbone, or xpass run via arteria.

    Depending on what you want to run, you can also consider just running it over V6, or proxying it via cloudflare or other proxy.

  3. With OCN virtual connect, you are only allocated a certain range of ports; 1008 or 63 groups of 16 ports specifically for your IPoE v4 address.

    This is because your Ipv4 address is shared by multiple people, but OCN specifies designated ports to ensure data goes to the right place, which is sent by an ipv6 tunnel.

    You can use this site
    To enter in your ipv6 address and it will give you the ranges of ports available to you.

    OCN also does give you a pppoe address on top of ipoe, but to use both PPPoE and IPoE, I could only do with openwrt.

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