
Where can I purchase an authentic baby kimono for my daughters first birthday? Would it be disrespectful to have a traditional Japanese birthday for my African child? She has a Japanese name because I’m a polyglot who loves different cultures.

  1. First off, if you are going to do this, then you should make sure that you understand what you are getting into. What the West calls a “kimono” is not a kimono in Japan. A lot of times, the West uses the word to refer to a light, silk robe.

    So a kimono is a heavy garment worn traditionally in the colder months, often with layers underneath. It is challenging to wear because it is essentially one-size-fits-all, so you must tuck and fold to fit your body. Then tie it off with the obi.

    AFAIK, there are no kimono for children that young. At 3, Japanese have the shichi-go-san celebration, so you can get them for kids at 3, 5, and 7 years of age.

    A yukata is a summer version of a kimono. Much easier to wear. Much lighter weight.

    As for Japan caring, no most Japanese would be thrilled to see you trying out their cultural traditions.

  2. there are no proper kimonos for babies but there is something called 甚平(jinbei) that some babies wear for traditional photos. I had professional photos taken in one before my 3-5-7 photos and they look very nice. I don’t know where u can get one that’s not casual, but professional childrens photography places have them.

    Edit- also make sure you look up ベビー甚平

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