Rolls Tokyo

Tolls Tokyo

There is tolls around Tokyo that is always 1950 yen which I’ve paid a few times but I sometimes take a wrong road following maps and come off the highway. When I try to get back on (after paying 1950 yen literally 10 minutes beforehand showing the receipt which looks to have a expiry time) the toll worker goes mental (I don’t speak any Japanese) I politely show him the time I previously paid 1950 yen and the expiry date and the current time. They eventually let me through the gate.

Am I right in what I am saying for surely you shouldn’t have to pay to get back on the same road again within 10 minutes for making a wrong turn?

I don’t speak Japanese and the toll workers don’t seem to speak any English so I’ve no idea what they are saying except yell


I asked the toll worker the query on Google translate and he started shouting. I came on here to query what had happened so I know for again not get abused by a bunch of pricks who have nothing better to do on their Saturday nights.

The receipt probably shouldn’t have a start and end date unlike other toll receipts I have been given – indicates that you are allowed on that road for that specific timeframe.

Thanks to the couple of people who actually explained it instead of saying YoU aRE WrONG dONT bE DrIVINg heRE TYPiCaL stOOPid jERk TOuRiST.

Maybe if the country was more welcoming and assisted tourists then it wouldn’t be in a recession just a thought plenty of other countries like having and helping people visit the country.

by [deleted]

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