Last year, I received a notice that I did not make my prepaid payment (予定納税) which was due in July 2023. The idea is that instead of paying my taxes when I file my a tax return in 2024, I am supposed to pay throughout the year. I’m a day-trader, and I make a substantial amount of income outside of my employment which I report on my tax return. I went to the tax office and paid a delinquency penalty.
It seems like this tax isn’t commonly applied, so most people are not subjected to it. I never read in my tax instructions that this was a responsibility as I was under the impression that all taxes would be withheld by my employer from my payslip. And any extra taxes (such as dividend/interest/capital-gains) would be calculated/adjusted and paid at the end of the year.
It seems like the immigration office is very strict when it comes to residence tax, healthcare tax, and nenkin tax. Does anyone have experience with dealing with immigration processes with late 予定納税 payments on the record, and whether this will create delays?
Perhaps its fanciful to think “maybe they’ll be more forgiving because 予定納税 is not as important as the taxes which actually fund social security and welfare.” And I’m still prepaying taxes earlier than the calendar deadline, just not as early as they wanted me to.
by CSachen