Integrating in Japan

Hello fellow redditors,

I have a “big” question. So I went to Japan for a month last year and I will go one more month next year. I’m strongly thinking about moving to Japan and working there for some time in the near future.

But I have some reservations. Maybe someone can help me.

I often read that it is really hard for foreigners to get accepted in Japanese society or find friends or romantic relationships in Japan. Any Redditors living in Japan, can you relate to that? Would you recommend getting into the experience or better stay away from it?

I also have mixed information from friends living there regarding the working culture for foreigners. So my most likely way to get to work there is to get send to Tokyo from a European company (I’m European). Is there still this hardcore working culture in all Japanese companies or just the traditional ones? How is it if you work for western company there? Are you as a foreigner expected to work with the same mentality as a Japanese person? A lecturer of mine from my university told me, that he worked there for years and was not expected. That the Japanese were even happy to have him so they can leave with him after normal working hours.

by ChoppChopp33

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