Unregistered house extension paying accurate property tax

I am considering purchasing the property of an acquaintance in the countryside of Okinawa. He has built an extension to his registered house 15 years ago but that extension is not registered though he is paying property tax for the total size of the house (registered house + unregistered extension). The price is appealing because it is based on the registered size of the house only.

It is new to me so I made some research in Japanese.

1- It seems that you can indeed pay property tax on an unregistered extension. This is a bit unclear to me why not registering it in that case since you pay tax anyway ? Checking online, it seems that you can register an extension for less than 500,000 JPY

2- Through my research, it seems you can purchase insurance even on an unregistered building which surprised me. Did I misunderstand this part ?

3- While I read that you can register an unregistered extension that would be deemed acceptable (not exceeding ratio limit or plot), I am trying to figure out what it implies and what are the steps / risks to consider. Is there any rule that since it has been built X years ago and paid taxes on properly, it cannot be requested to be demolished ?

Does anyone have more knowledge on the matter and could enlight me or direct me to the right source to check further info ?

Thank you very much in advance.

by Beniben2023

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