Plan B / Morning After Pill

Hello all, I am currently a member of this sub on my main account but am positing this on a seprate acount for safety. Mods, I can prove this if necessary.

I recently had a pregnancy scare with my girlfriend because we did not use a condom while having sex and we subsequently needed a Plan B. After some googling we found out that this website provides Plan B pills that get delivered to your house the same day or the next day. The steps for receiving them are as follows.

Add them on LINE as a friend.
Consult with a doctor.
They will then say “okay” and that “the pill will be sent out today”
Move on to the payment screen.
Pay and wait for the pill.
Pill is delivered in a nondescript box.
Take pill.

The company provides a 72 hour pill and a 120 hour pill. We used the 72 hour pill (9,800 yen) and it was labled as “Madonna”. I belive its generic name is “Levonorgestrel”. The consultation is all in Japanese, but being that it is done via messages, google translate can help you get through it. The process was quick, discreet, and easy. We used Ashita Clinic, but there are other options available on the website I will be linking in this post. I hope this helps someone.


by Throw_This_Away_76

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