Japan gov’t says masks not needed outdoors if distancing maintained

Japan gov’t says masks not needed outdoors if distancing maintained


  1. Hopefully by 2030 the government will tell its citizens that masks are no longer needed at all.

  2. There are still flu, colds, and rhinoviruses that spread through the air. I’ll keep my mask on, thanks!
    Plus some people stink.

  3. Don’t worry, people tend to cross to the other side of the street anyway 🙂

  4. Lots of people around Osaka don’t wear iton the street, but like me, putit on when it gets too crowded or getting on pubtrans.

  5. Wearing a mask outside has always been pointless, but I’m glad they finally said it.

  6. Meh. My hay fever and asthma have never been better. I am sticking with my mask.

  7. Can’t get over the ones riding their scooters or bikes with mask on cracks me up. Saw one the other day on a scooter in the pouring rain but still had their mask stapled to their face, had to have felt like they were being water boarded

  8. Well of course bloody not. What are you gonna catch Corona from if there’s nobody near you?

  9. “if distancing maintained” 😂 good luck in cities.
    but also yeah duh, no reason to wear it if there’s no one around.

  10. I’ve been on pretty isolated hikes in Japan and Japanese folks are wearing masks in the middle of a forest. The dedication is admirable but I’d rather get funny looks than wear a mask outdoors (especially in the Japanese summer)

  11. Did everyone forget AIR QUALITY (or lack thereof)?

    As mentioned above in regards to riding bikes etc, the AIR itself (let alone the viruses etc floating in it) is often bad enough to warrant wearing masks lately anyhow.

    I reckon 20 years from now, most urban humans will basically be wearing something like a space helmet to go outside. And indoor air quality is generally worse.

    Up north where I am, there is a “particulate matter” (aka mystery shit) coating on everything outside at this time of the year. The yellow grainy stuff the media claims comes exclusively from China. Yeah right. So even though hayfever season is already OVER, the PM”x” is still bad enough to make noses and eyes water when riding.

    Masks are not going away unfortunately.

    For bearded people like me, masks especially suck – but at least I get less beard gazing ;-)>

  12. It’s pretty impossible to do that when you section off half of yoyogi park for 2 years.

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