I failed JLPT N1 for the 5th time

Im exhausted and discouraged.
Every time I failed, I studied harder, got new materials, past papers, lessons. I speak Japanese everyday at work -extensively.
Last time I was off by 1 point. This time it was 72/180. The score reveal couldn’t come at a worser time : my depression has been flaring up lately.

What more can I do? Every time I see N1 kanji or vocab it was a breeze for me. I read, listen, speak, and translate difficult specialized words everyday Japanese. I feel like I wasted years of my life for N1 for nothing.

I don’t know what to do anymore

  1. Don’t let the exam discredit the hard work and accomplishments you’ve already achieved. To someone like me, you’re a goal.

    It’s never wasted time working towards a goal like this. The scores are just scores, I understand you’re disappointed but it doesn’t define you. You’re light years ahead of where I am with the language, don’t give up. Make sure you enjoy yourself and take time to refresh mentally.

  2. Not to discredit your hard work, but have you taken N2 and what was your score? Just want to know a bit more context.

  3. What does N1 mean if you already know everything you need to know? Unless you really need N1 of course. Otherwise I’d say that you pretty much nailed the exam, since you are using Japanese already and enjoying the language like you wanted right?

    Then what does that validation mean if you can already validate yourself.

    This of course doesn’t apply if you need N1 for something, then you’re still on track to get it. Next time will be it!

  4. Just popping in to say congrats man. You’ll get it next time, and go right past that 80 next time. Just relax and admire the view from your near top place on the mountain for now. And, consider this a test of willpower to carry on. If you don’t, no sweat. There are people giving up on far more important things right now as I write this. But, for what it’s worth, learning something new is never a waste. Good on you for all you’ve done.

  5. I have been living here in Japan for 11 years and stopped caring after N3. Still, I got a job that pays reaaally well, a department I was offered to lead and all without N1. I‘m fluent and know my kanji, so what I‘m trying to say is, fuck any employer that doesn‘t see value in you and/or your skill and only sees what N you have. I sure am not, frankly I don‘t even care if people showing up for an interview have a college degree or not. All I care about is the person and what value they could potentially add to our company. Long story short, passing N1 won‘t decide your future path.

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