Gaica prepayment – Credit/debit/rejections

As a follow up to an early question about my credit card issues, I help someone can offer other advice?

So my Gaica card has been terminated (they are shutting down their pre payment card). Does anyone have any advice on where I can go next for a similar card?

Having tried to get a Rakuten credit card (and been rejected twice – first probably because I got some bad advice from the staff member to apply despite my details being incompetent- a kind of ‘oh don’t worry just fill that in later’ /maybe because I’ve no credit history/score in Japan despite having missed only one repayment in my 25+ years of owning credit cards in another country) a staff member in another shop (who managed to help me secure a phone line rental with , also got me to apply again, a week or so later only to get yet another rejection.)

So what can I do next to start getting a card of some kind? Hold out for a credit card for another few months before applying? Then to whom? Amazon? Can I get a foot in the door anywhere with another pre payment card, or a debit card? Back to Gaica? Where else? Who else?

I’m struggling with life right now. Work, health, finances/my number….. Any advice would be appreciated.

by Icanicoke

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