What should I do after?

Tomorrow morning/before noon we will be at Teamlab Borderless. After we planned to quickly have a look at the Tokyo Tower and then go somewhere where we will be outside and it will be beautiful since tomorrow will be a sunny day with up to 21 degree celsius. We want to enjoy that after the lower temperatures we had in the last days here, that warm temperature day is kinda precious to us and we want to get the most out of it haha!

I am just unsure where we should go, I am split between the Meiji Temple and the Emperors Palace.

The Emperor palace seems to be nice but is there more you can do than just having a look at it from the distance? What I read besides is that the East Gardens of the palace are very beautiful, but how big are they? Is there enough to do/see to spend a whole sunny afternoon?

The other option would be visiting Meiji Temple. Although it’s a longer ride to get there I have the impression that there is more to do there. I think there is also a parkthere as well, isn’t it? What else can be done around the Meiji Temple? Would this attraction be onger/bigger with more to see/do than the emperors palace?

by Kiraa7

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