Man it sucks that New Japan just feels like a feeder company that can’t fight back.

After hearing the news about Rocky( Which good for him) I just had a sad thought about New Japan’s situation. Before the pandemic New Japan was at their healthiest financially and still had a stacked roster. They did 70K for a 2 night WK and then 11K at New Beginning in Osaka. That was their Peak.

But now after covid almost killed them and Japan promotions as a whole and their inability to really fight back for talent it is kind of sad. They can’t offer much at this point.

Let’s be real at some point Naito & Tana will retire and new Japan will be left with a ton of young talent with none of them are legit stars to rely on to sell out Tokyo Dome.

And even if they do get big then WWE or AEW will collect them. New Japan relationship with AEW is about money which New Japan really needs.

And yes they have the dojo but again that takes years for the talent to develop. I just don’t feel like getting attached with talent at this point.

Sorry if this sounds depressing but it’s just my thoughts.

by DeathTriangle720

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