[weekend meme] I know it’s good for me but I don’t like it.

[weekend meme] I know it’s good for me but I don’t like it.

by SubstanceNo1691

  1. I know the feeling. One thing I found for myself was that I enjoyed it if I listened to something I could mostly understand. It always took time to find something at the right level to really improve, but the efforts were worth it I believe.

    Hope you can befriend the orangutan someday !

  2. yeah I like to read books better, so far listening hasn’t been my thing

    maybe I’ll get into someday or maybe not

  3. The best listening practice is to listen to stuff you enjoy and pay extra attention to what’s being said. Do this repeatedly until it becomes second nature and the words just simply make sense.

    Remember that studying doesn’t always need to be a chore, simply being in contact with the language through things you like can be studying, too.

  4. Just don’t make it “practice”. I just watch and listen to things I already enjoyed to begin with and need not understand much to enjoy. I realize this is different for everyone but when you can hang out and enjoy listening to people talk is when you’ll naturally be able to stack the hours which leads directly to improvement. It’s not something to fear, but to look forward to every single day. Also why the hell is nearly every meme about something bad in regards to learning the language? What is going on out here.

  5. I don’t get it, how is it easier or less stressful to learn read thousands of kanjis than picking up words by listening? Japanese has such simple phonology compared to the insane writing system, surely it’s much easier to learn the spoken language?

  6. I actually enjoy tuning on some okada toshio ramble and not understand jack shit for 20 minutes straight

    It’s cathartic

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