Does anyone know what happens with your work visa if you are out of the country, unemployed, for more than 3 months with a re-entry permit?

I know most of this will be speculation but I’m worried about a friend of mine who is in a dire situation.

They have a 1 year visa and left Japan for a 2 week vacation back in their country after resigning from their old job. They had a job lined up to start next month but due to a situation in their country it seems they might not be able to come back in time to start their new job.

Does anyone know if immigration can revoke your 1 year re-entry permit if you are unemployed for more than 3 months before coming back to Japan?

  1. Slightly outdated experience but immigration isn’t organized enough to know. Your visa is still valid and you have a re-entry permit that allows to back in to Japan with-in this period. I doubt that they will revoke your visa.

  2. The re-entry permit should be valid so long as the residence status is valid.

    Immigration would have the right to revoke one’s residence status for being unemployed, but until they explicitly do so, it remains valid.

    I have never personally known anyone that got their residence status revoked for unemployment for only a few months. I only know cases where people had it revoked for working in places or doing business not permitted by their status.

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