Question regarding company merging.

So my current company merged with another company which resulted to it having a different name. Is this considered changing jobs and do I need to notify immigration?

  1. This is tricky since merging and buyouts can be different on paper.

    First way is if Corporation A buys out Corporation B and merges all assets into itself so that Corporation A no longer exists. This would cause all employees in Corp B to be paid by Corp A, use Corp A health insurance pension etc.

    The other way is for Corporation A to buyout Corp B’s stock and allow Corp B to run on its own while Corp A is the holding company. In such case Corp B employees would still be paid by Corp B and taxes/health/pension would be unchanged.

    You can ask your HR to see which has occurred and also your gensen chyousyuuhyo or pension should show a different company in the case of the former. scenario

    I think only in the first case would there be a need to inform immigration, but even so 99.9% chance it wouldn’t matter if you didn’t.

    Edit TLDR: If you didn’t get a new health insurance card, then you don’t need to report anything.

  2. Yea, I believe it is:

    “* Notification of change in name or location, or dissolution of the affiliated organization
    *This notification is for a change in the name of the organization you are currently affiliated with (referred to as “affiliated organization” hereinafter), a change in the location of the affiliated organization, or the termination of the affiliated organization.
    Notification Reference Form 1–1*”


    Example of completed form:

  3. When my company changed it corporate name, we did have to update immigration, yes.

    It can be done online, so I’d suggest confirming with your HR and then doing it yourself if needed.

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