Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 05, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. trouble with this one:

    > 可愛い女の子におだてられるのは、いくつになってもむずがゆういものだ。

    Context is main character is getting thanked by some woman for something he did (but he didn’t think he did a good job with it actually).

    可愛い女の子におだてられるのは this part is like, being flattered by a cute girl

    いくつになっても this might mean no matter how many (times?)

    むずがゆうい this is just a jumble to me

  2. Hi! Beforehand, here’s some context: I’m 22, and have been studying in a Japanese (language) school since late 2021. So far I managed to pass N4 only with textbook japanese knowledge last July. My daily routine starts at 5am with gym, then work, then japanese, then ends at 11pm. I started using Anki less than a month ago to review vocabulary and also learn about kanjis and intermediate level grammar, as I’ll apply to N3 this December.

    However, due to my schedule, I can’t seem to find any possible ways to insert more japanese into my life. My hearing and speaking are quite undeveleoped as I’m not used to watch movies/series/doramas.

    I would love any suggestions on how to immerse more into the language and maybe turn it into a necessity rather than a “side-quest”.

    Thanks in advance! And also sorry for any possible oversharing.

  3. 短い質問があります。なぜこんな文章中に「が + 受身形」が起こられますか。「を刻まれた」の場合は何違いますか。

    アニメを見た時にこの文章を見ました。「只野くんの黒歴史に新たな一ページが刻まれた。 」

    Why does “が + passive form” occur in this kind of sentence? In the case of “を + passive form” what will be the difference? The sentence i saw is from an anime.

  4. Can somebody help me wrap my head around ~と**も**限らない?

    I feel very comfortable with ~と**は**限らない already, but changing は → も seems like it can sometimes (but not always??) completely reverse the meaning.

    Here’s the example I encountered (A has been getting threat messages daily, but so far there has been no follow-up action on them):





    I’m 99% sure B is saying “we need to be careful b/c they might change their mind (and actually start doing something),” but only because of all the context I have. Without context, I would have immediately assumed the exact opposite meaning without thinking about it.


    Searching for an explanation, I found [this](https://ja.hinative.com/questions/16044441):

    > 「Aと**は**限らない」=A以外の可能性(例外)を主張するニュアンス。

    > 「Aと**も**限らない」=Aである可能性を主張するニュアンス。


    > 例:



    > 「彼が嘘をついているとは限らない」(=嘘をついていないかもしれない)

    > 「彼が嘘をついていないとも限らない」(=嘘をついているかもしれない)


    Looking at this though, it seems that in my original sentence, B should have said「いつ向こうの気が**変わらない**とも限らないぞ」

    Can anyone help me untangle this?? The way ~とも限らない is used and they way it sounds to me are somehow super backwards :/


    Edit: I’m actually curious about how いつ is used here as well, I think this whole time I’ve been reading the sentence as if it said **いつか**向こうの気が…

  5. Is using furigana somewhat “cheating” when learning vocabulary?

    I’ve been trying to get better at reading kanji but I sometimes get stuck on a word until I look at the furigana, at which point I’m able to remember the word, specially if there’s context around it. I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that by doing this I run the risk of not learning the kanji for that word or relying too much on furigana in the future.

    What do you guys think? Is it a silly thing to worry about or should I really try to not use furigana when learning kanji vocabulary?

    Not sure if relevant, but I’ve been using Wanikani and the Core 2k/6k Anki deck mostly. I know about 700 kanji but only around 2500 vocabulary words. I’m trying to shift my focus more towards reading now and building a bigger vocabulary.

  6. How can I confirm that my order of an Anki deck is exactly how it was supposed to be? I am encountering some funky words like 頑張る around 150 cards into a beginner deck, before a single color or day of the week. Just want to check it’s right. The deck is the Kaishi 1.5k deck.

  7. How do I improve my reading skills?

    I am currently enrolled in a language institute for the N5 course and we are almost halfway through the course. My writing is good as per our teacher, but whenever I try to read out a passage (mix of Hiragana, Katakana and Furigana) in the classroom, I stammer a lot and it just lower my confidence among my classmates who read out the passages very smoothly and efficiently.

    Everyday I try to read some graded reading books, but that also isn’t helping me much. I want to be able to speak out the words loudly and clearly without any interruptions, even if I don’t know their meaning.
    So, if you guys have any techniques or methods to improve reading, I would be really grateful if I can implement any of those and improve my reading skill.

  8. can i use だでぃやなさん知らない? the same way ask 財布しらん?

    (you know where Dady san is? do you know where my wallet is?)

  9. Played League in JP server and found a new word やめたいな. Is the suffix used here is なあ?And can you explain a bit more on how it works? Thanks!

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