Will Ospreay and Shingo Takagi evolve this sequence in every single one of their matches

Will Ospreay and Shingo Takagi evolve this sequence in every single one of their matches

Will Ospreay and Shingo Takagi evolve this sequence in every single one of their matches from njpw

  1. These guys have unbelievable chemistry. It’s always going to be a great match when they step in the ring across from one another

  2. I don’t even know when I want to see them square off again because this is a matchup that I don’t want to get burnt out on!


  3. This is the type of thing I love about NJPW matches, they do this better than anyone else imo

  4. Ospreay gets the (well deserved) nod in the top guys in the world category, but I don’t know how anyone could be sleeping on Shingo for it too. Every time I see him I’m more impressed.

  5. I love the hard hitting matches, the storylines and character builds but damn. This is one thing I dont like about NJ. Sometimes it can get over choreographed

  6. It kind of makes me sad that their rivalry, 4 of the 5 matches happened during Pandemic Era.

  7. Fantastic video; really showcases what’s cool about pro wrestling and NJPW specifically.

  8. We are all fortunate that Shingo spent his first year in NJPW as a junior simply because Hiromu was on the shelf, even though he had a “how do you do, fellow cruiserweights?” vibe among most of his BOSJ opponents.

  9. I love how less orchestrated Osprey has gotten over the years. This is such a great example to show his progression

  10. Shingo is next level.

    I hope he gets a moment in the sun again.

    Also Sting & Shingo – Two Dudes with Attitudes – AEW Tag Champs… please???

  11. This is the future of pro wrestling. I don’t mean that in a bad way either. It’s the evolution of the art.

  12. It never really occurred to me they were doing variations of that sequence. I love that kind of storytelling. It’s what makes wrestling so dang great

  13. I cannot wait to see this continue playing out over years to come, they are INCREDIBLE together and absolutely bring the best out of each other

  14. These two bell to bell are the bast pair in the world. They complement each other so well.

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