Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 07, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

1 comment
  1. So I’ve been trying to learn Japanese since 2020 during lockdown because I just like how the language sounds (good reason I know lmao). Over 1 -2 years (give or take) I learned Hirigana, katakana, some kanji and some grammar pretty decent. Mostly thanks to the youtube channel Japanese from zero.

    I don’t think I have gotten to the same level of commitment since I started but I feel like I need some sort of breakthrough. Using anki i find myself too busy and easily forget to do daily, I try to take notes of words in games and movies but they get discarded in my head very easily.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t brute force the kanji since I really can’t force myself to. I’ve concluded that the best way for me to continue is to learn words without the kanji, learn to use it in sentences and then the kanji will eventually come naturally as I see it in writing and learn to associate it with the word that I already know. That may not work for everything since kanji have multiple readings but I guess it will give me more chance of stuff sticking.

    My question is, does anyone have any advice for this way of increasing vocabulary? Or advice in general because it’s annoying to be stuck in one place and I 100% just want to increase my vocab at this point over anything.

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