What kind of toilet / baby toilet do you get for a tiny mobile baby?

I’ve read that:
* deep squat floor potties are a thing (I wish we had these here in the US!)
* babies practicing elimination communication is a thing (not just in Japan, and not sure it’s called EC—just babies communicating they have to go or crawling themselves over to go once mobile vs relying solely on diapers)

In the US, we have “tiny potties” which replicate our non-physiologically optimal way of going. It’s a tiny “chair”. I want to know what the Japanese use instead (since they have floor potties) when inside their apartments.

Asking because our baby will only poop in a deep squat or a standing “lean”. He crawls, sits, pulls to stand, coasts, and stands briefly, but he’s a bit clumsy, takes risks, and ALSO wants privacy to poop (he literally hides when wearing a diaper). I’m trying to figure out a way to let him wander to the toilet and poop in a deep squat without it being a precarious safety risk.

If you already have a floor squat toilet (sorry, don’t know the terms), is there a cover to narrow it for the baby? And is there a way for a non home a no yard owning person to replicate this in their apartment? Product links or pictures also appreciated!

by whoiamidonotknow

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