where to buy the genki books

as the title says but i found them on amazon i think but i dont know if thats the right place to get them. its like almost $200 for the first two and i want to make sure im buying the right thing.

edit – $250\* which does not come easily and if im going to buy them id want to make sure theyre like real idk but this is the link for what i was looking at – [https://www.amazon.com/Textbook-Workbook-Answer-Hiragana-Sentences/dp/B08XK12S14/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=HRVM87YZ8Y6X&keywords=genki%2Bworkbook&qid=1707782660&sprefix=genki%2Caps%2C432&sr=8-6&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Textbook-Workbook-Answer-Hiragana-Sentences/dp/B08XK12S14/ref=sr_1_6?crid=HRVM87YZ8Y6X&keywords=genki%2Bworkbook&qid=1707782660&sprefix=genki%2Caps%2C432&sr=8-6&th=1) i saw someone on youtube get this i think and they said it was good

by awkatelin

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