Nobody knows the pain of being a [SPOILERS] fan

Right so there’s this guy with a hot girlfriend, a better 5 moves of doom than Cena, jacked as fuck, sings his own theme, pulls his trousers off, friends with a UK geezer, beaten lots of top guys, made his own BASED faction… and he’s lost in the first round of NJ Cup for two years.

I just witnessed a little soyboy and Jungle Junk Penis BEAT Taichi. He was supposed to go on to do the Tekkers reunion?


I love me some HOT but its not acceptable vs Taichi, esp not with Jungle Twat in the mix. That’s the guy who made AEW unwatchable by getting Punk fired. Now he’s in Japan messing with the great Taichi? Why is he even in the HW ranks? Send him to the jr division.

I guess all my Taichi stocks go into Gabe Kidd stocks by default?

by Rekmeister

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