Hotel Washer and Dryer – Hotel Gracery

I am going to stay at Hotel Gracery. They have washer and dryers there.

Has anyone used washer and dryers at a hotel?

Did you bring your own detergent? And how were the dryers? I just wanna know quality and if i should even consider washing my clothes there or just bring them home to do it. I wanted to pack light so if i could rewash some things that would be great.

Should i bring tidepods and my own dryer sheets?

by Foreverhangry21

  1. I did laundry at Hotel Gracery Sanjo. They have detergents. But I did need to pay in coins which was a bit awkward.

    Not sure which one you are going to though.

  2. I stayed there in March, Tamachi branch.

    1. They have **A** washer and dryer. Just one… the hotel is 10 floors and was fully booked at the time. Just one…

    2. It’s a coin washing machine. The detergent is preloaded. Cost is 300 yen per load for the washer and 100 yen per 30 minutes for the dryer (you will need at least an hour for anything other than underwear or socks)

    3. You can add fabric softener if you want. That’s separate and needs to be added at moment 11 of the wash cycle.

    4. best time to do laundry is between 11am – 2pm since most people are either checking out or exploring the city at that time. During the night & early morning is when the majority try to do laundry.

    5. The machine only accepts 100 yen coins. If you don’t have any the front desk will be happy to break a banknote for you.

  3. Detergent should be automatic. Japanese dryers are notoriously weak. Most Japanese people dry their laundry in the sun. Be prepared for a LOOONG time to dry a load.

  4. If you don’t have to wash your clothes I wouldn’t bother. I would just wash underwear if you need it in the sink and hang it to dry in your room

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