Do dispatch ALTs really retract offers on short notice??

Hi everyone,

I got an offer from Heart today and I would like to accept it and start the COE process but I have heard that some ALT companies (Heart being mentioned a lot) will over hire for positions that they have not yet secured from schools and then retract the offer on short notice. Is there anything I can do to hedge against that possibility? Would they know how many positions they have secured at this time of year?

It’s really important to me that the offer I accept actually goes through with it as I’m moving with my partner, who has a non-teaching job that is much more reliable. If the company cancels on me then we might have to spend months apart while I apply for a new COE.


Also, to preempt people telling me to avoid Heart: My partner makes enough that I don’t need to worry about the low pay, my main criteria is being located near Minato. That being said, I would be very grateful if anyone could recommend a ‘better’ company in the area.



by MousseVarious8845

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