“In Japan, you have to trust everyone”?

**There is the story:** Recently, my laptop was making really bad sounds coming from the fan (device worked normally). I went to the closest PC service I found on the map to ask about the issue and how much money and how long it could take to fix it. It was a small place where the owner is probably the only worker there.

The owner gave me a form to fill with information like my address or computer password. I filled it and he packed my laptop with power adapter and this form in a foil bag. He said that’s all and he will contact me tomorrow (and fixing could take few days).

Then I asked, if I shouldn’t get any confirmation note, that I left the device there. He was dissatisfied by this question and said: “In Japan, you trust everyone”. He unpacked the bag and gave my belongings saying that I should go somewhere else with it and that I should “change my mindset”, because this was really bad for him.

I found this situation weird. I only asked a question about the confirmation note, as it is for me something obvious, that if I left something (especially such personal thing like PC), then I should get a confirmation on the paper, which could be helpful in any case (especially to confirm it’s me when I will come to pick it up after the service). When I was using Yamato Transport (Kuroneko) service earlier, to send my luggage from airport, I got the note with all the information, so I had a proof I left my things in their hands. I think Japan is rather bureaucratic country, where everything has to be on paper, strictly formalized (not necessarily a bad thing, I was in a City Hall recently and getting things done there were good). I didn’t suggest anything for him, however such confirmation note would work not only for an intentional wrongdoing.

**So here is my question:** was he right and it’s normal in Japan, that you left your things in a service without any confirmation on paper and just trust the others?

He is himself non-japanese, saying he is living here for more than twenty years and no one asked a question like that, every client just trusted implicitly.


By the way about the issue: I eventually bought a set of screwdrivers in a combini and fixed the issue by myself the same evening.

by Krylann

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