26 Day Trip Report – My Most Enriching and Gratifying Adventure in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Lake Kawaguchi. 2,000,000 Yen Well Spent

TL;DR: My recent trip to Japan has been centering, inspiring and expansive. I learned so much about the culture, and had a chance for deep introspection. I also enjoyed the Cherry Blossom season, Mt Fuji, Beef and other delicious foods.

I had a life-changing trip in Japan for the last 26 days. It reminded me that I need to be more patient, more kind, and more content. This trip was an investment in myself and my relationship. Got to eat delicious, natural food, and experience many of the world’s greatest sights. What made this trip special was how it allowed us to slow down, enjoy each and every minute, and be present.

From working 12+ hour days to exploring new geographies, I was able to find inner peace and contentment. This trip report is more about my daily experiences, places I found interesting, and some general tips and trick that worked for my travel style — which is slow paced, nature and culture focused, and welcoming every experience the country has to offer.

# Context

* Dates: March 17 to April 11.
* My goals for this trip:

1. see Cherry Blossoms
2. eat yummy food
3. detox from social media and work
4. relax and slow down

* My personal travel values:

1. be respectful
2. be like water
3. enjoy the small surprises
4. there is a silver lining in everything

* Second time in Japan. First time was in 2019 with friends on a Gunpla shopping spree, this time was with my partner.
* Very different experiences but both were life changing in a profoundly positive way
* All figures are expressed in Japanese Yen (JPY) for simplicity
* Total cost of the trip 26 days was 2,000,000 Yen
* Cost of air travel is $0 as was paid through credit card points.
* Brought two medium size backpacks to Japan Went home with 4 luggages (two large, two carry on) and two backpacks, two clear umbrellas, and two huge bags of airport snacks.

# Logistics

* If possible, hotels needed be 5-10 minute walk or less to the nearest subway
* Ideally the hotel should have a grocery, supermarket, or a discount store like Matsumoto Kiyoshi, Daikoku or Cosmos nearby (within 10-15 minute walk)
* Only use Konbini if necessary and avoid if possible
* Always ship luggage with Yamato Transport
* Always shop at Supermarket or discount drug store for daily goods and snacks
* Avoid commuting during rush hour if possible
* If possible, get lunch around 11-11:30
* If possible, get dinner around 5-5:30
* Always say yes to dessert and sometimes twice in the same night

# General Routine

* Wake up 6-7am
* Breakfast 30 minutes
* Explore / Activity #1
* Lunch 11-12:30
* Explore / Activity #2
* Dinner at 5:30-7
* Explore / Activity #3 / Shopping
* Return to hotel between 9:30-11pm, in bed before midnight
* Laundry every 4-5 days

# Itinerary

* Tokyo 4 days
* Kyoto 5 days
* Osaka 5 days
* Lake Kawaguchi 3 days
* Tokyo 8 days

We never have any luggage with us so we always use the travel day to explore and enjoy.

Apps used:

* Google Maps for navigation and planning
* Shinkansen SmartEX for booking bullet trains
* Suikakeibo (reading Suica transactions daily)
* Google Sheets for tracking expenses
* Google Keep for journaling and documentation
* ChatGPT 4 for tour guide and ideas


|Type|SUM of Total (JPY)|
|**Grand Total**|**¥2,000,962**|

* On average we spend about 2,000 on Breakfast and Snacks throughout the day, 4,000-5,000 for lunch, and 7,000-10,000 for dinner. This also includes drinks, grocery runs, and any food we buy from tourist traps.
* Typical hotel on average was around 15,000 per night. We also spent several nights in Ryokans that was worth every penny.
* Majority of shopping went to luxury bags for myself and my partner. We were able to get a lot of stuff at discount stores and dollar stores at 30-50% less than Don Quijote.
* Brought back a ton of Alcohol from grocery stores. Enough to make highballs every day for 6 months.
* Main transportation was using the Suica and the Shinkansen. I reserve all my seats for the bullet trains.
* Main activities were rentals, including bike, boat, and scooter. We also did a lot of tourist stuff like Gondolas, Amusement Parks, Observation Decks. If the city had one, we were there.

# Day 1

* Land at Haneda around 5pm, activate Airalo data, get Suica at the kiosk, load 20,000 yen and off we go.
* Had dinner at Shibuya Sky and went to the observation deck. Very beautiful and felt like it was a great start to the trip. Cabbed to the hotel for convenience.
* Seeing the city in the night view reminded me of how small we are, and that everyone in Japan is trying very hard to get through the day. It signified the start of our new adventure and we have so much excitement for the rest of the trip.
* Staying at the OneFive around 12,000 per night (3 nights). Found this place to be a good location for walking and exploration. Rooms were small but we were out 12-14 hours a day so it didn’t really matter. Check-in was smooth and amenities were available.
* Went to a supermarket near the hotel to stock up on drinks and snacks. Typically we found drinks to be between 60-90 yen at the grocery store vs 120+ at the vending machine and konbini.
* Snacks were about 100 yen less and there was a great selection of fresh fruits like Strawberries, Pineapple, Melons, etc. Salads, bentos, and Alcohol were way cheaper too. They also sold a lot of things that I would consider as gifts for friends and acquaintances.

* I did the math for our 26-day trip, and there was no way we were doing any konbini unless it was for fried chicken, skewers, or dessert. We probably saved 20,000 yen just by walking for another 2-3 minutes to the nearest grocery store.


Day 2

* Woke up at 3am due to jet lag, walked around the area. I was surprised how many people were out this late in the evening. There were so many people around Club Bala, and the surrounding streets. Even more people were out chatting and having a good time as I walked close to the Shibuya Crossing.
* Had a 4am ramen snack and spent time at the Mega Don Quijote. I packed light and only had two shirts, so I bought some new outfits and shoes. Also scored a large Hanami sheet for 800 yen.
* Commuted to the Reserve Roastery in the morning and explored the area. No cherry blossoms yet, and it was quite cold. Made our way to Yokohama for the Gundam Base.
* Gundam is one of my favorite franchises, and I used to build a lot before I started my business. Very near and dear hobby and I got emotional seeing this giant figure in person. I was so happy and my heart was pounding.
* Glad to share this experience with my partner who was very impressed with the engineering.
* Went to Cosmoworld and tried all the rides and the Ferris Wheel. This was so easy to do, buy a ticket at the kiosk and go. Very different than a typical amusement part.

* Took the Gondola to see the sunset. Amazing views but I felt the Ferris Wheel offered a slightly better view point.

# Day 3

* Jetlag almost fixed, and I woke up at 5am. Again walking in Shibuya, its amazing how many people are awake so late / early. Truly is a city that never sleeps.Really admire all the cleaning staff that try their best with all the beer cans and bottles every where. I had breakfast at Matsuya and commuted to Roppongi to explore.
* We spent about 3.5 hours at the teamlabs borderless and had a quick bite to eat at Azabudai hills. Really nice area and looks futuristic.
* Left around 4pm and lined up for Sushiro. Quick 5 minute wait and we got in. Ate around 30 plates and it came out to be 8000 yen, really good. Did some shopping at Uniqlo for heattech as the weather forecast turned against us. We thought we’d be coming into 20C weather but it was closer to 5-10C. Had to layer up as I landed in a t-shirt and hoodie.
* Discovered Seria (100 yen store) and had a lot of fun shopping there. A lot of stuff you could get here instead of Don Quijote, such as cute keychains, small gifts, etc.
* We bought reusable shopping bags here to use throughout our trip. Couldnt believe how much we got for 10,000. Felt like we bought enough for 30 people.

# Day 4

* Jetlag fixed, got up early to visit Sensoji and then Tsukiji market. Lots of people even in the early mornings. Had lunch around 11 at a Yakiniku place.

* I thought this was the low point in the trip so far. While it was nice to see the hustle and bustle, it was simply too busy and crowded for my liking. Did shopping for the rest of the day. Got back to hotel early to pack as we are leaving for Kyoto.

* We got one small luggage at Donqi for about 5,000 yen, just enough to put all the non-essentials in and shipped it to Kyoto. We had our light backpacks and got to the station.
* Bought some bentos and boarded the Nozomi train. We didn’t get a JR Rail pass because of how rigid it was, so we just bought all our tickets as we needed.

* Got to Kyoto at the Sosetsu Hotel across from the station, this was around 16,000 per night. Great selection of amenities including bath soaks. Went to a tonkotsu place at the station for dinner and explored the observation deck there.

* I often use ChatGPT to expand on the location that I am visiting, such as the architecture, historical and political significance, and any other interesting facts. This has given me so much more context and learning, which satisfied my curiosity.


# Day 5

* Spent the day at Nara, visiting various museums, temples and seeing the deers. Amazing experience and highly recommended. There was a buddhist museum that had really nice statues.

* Had one deer that pulled my backpack down for food. What a guy.
* Learned a lot about its history as a previous capital, and the highways that connected ancient Japan. Got to learn more about the origin of the religion and how it shaped politics in Japan during the Nara era.


# Day 6

* Got to Uji and there was a waitlist at ItohKyuemon and Tokichi, but we typically use the divide and conquer strategy where we split up and get line up numbers. Then it became a waiting game. We got to eat at both places and had an amazing matcha meal.

* Did a lot of matcha shopping. Dropped it off at the storage locker at Kyoto Station and went back to Inari Shrine for the afternoon.

* A lot less people now but it’s still crowded. Took some photos and enjoyed a nice walk. One of the best parts about this was as we head up hill, there were less people. Got to have a nice and relaxing walk.


# Day 7

* Arashiyama. It was a beautiful sunny day. Had lunch at Kameyamaya. We put our name down and were 3rd on the list. Got called in right after they opened and it was a peaceful meal next to the soothing lake.
* We took our time to enjoy the view and the food, which was an amazing traditional meal with Oden, Soba noodles, Fish and Tempura. The view was right on the lake and we saw animals and people sharing the water.
* What a relaxing experience. We chartered a private boat for the two of us and were transported to another beautiful world.
* Spent time walking the park, visiting attractions such as the bamboo forest and monkey park. The crowds became too much and we left around 3. Made our way to Hiroshige for a Sukiyaki dinner. Wagyu is simply amazing.


# Day 8

* We are changing hotels today and staying at Seikoro, a beautiful traditional Ryokan in Kyoto. We were here for 2 nights for around 140,000 yen total. Rooms were huge! Big space for a table that gets replaced with tatami beds after dinner. Separate living room, private bath and toilet.

* Traditional Breakfast and Dinner were included. As soon as we entered the building, we felt like we were taken to the 1800s. Well crafted interior and traditional Japanese architecture. We checked in around 3pm and put on our Yukatas.

* Unpacked and relaxed at the Onsen. When we got back to the room, they were ready to serve us an amazing Kaiseki dinner.

# Day 9

* I woke up with a nice Onsen bath. Had breakfast served in the room. Really amazing traditional Japanese breakfast with all fresh ingredients.

* We visited Kiyomizu temple and the surrounding areas, and rented Kimonos for around 3,000 yen each. Spent time walking in the streets and exploring Kyoto.

* Took a break back in the Ryokan and visited the Onsen again before venturing out. They served us warm matcha and cookies before we headed out again.

* In the afternoon we rented bikes and explored the area and alleyways. Felt very relaxing as there were not too many people.

* In the afternoon we visited the Samurai Museum which was great because I am a huge fan of ancient Japanese culture. Oda Nobunaga is a fascinating character, in addition to many other famous Shogun and Samurai that had a place in history.

* Picked up some sweet strawberries from the grocery store and had another Kaiseki at the Ryokan. We’ve accumulated quite a bit of luggage so we shipped it to Osaka, where we are headed the next day.

# Day 10

* Got up early and started the check out process. The Ryokan staff all got outside and bowed to us. It was simply amazing and I really enjoyed my time at this paradise away from the busy areas.

* Since it’s a short bullet train away to Osaka, and we don’t have any luggage, we decided to visit Mt. Hiei.

* It was snow covered and looked like a winter wonderland. We took the cable car up the mountain and spent a couple of hours hiking and exploring. In the afternoon, we made our way to Osaka.

* Since we are staying at Osaka Station – the Hankyuu Respire was the perfect choice. Rooms were 20,000 per night for 3 nights. It’s built on top of the station and we stayed on the 30th floor.

* It was a very busy lobby as you can imagine, but with 40ft high ceilings, it felt like there were a lot of space. Our room had a panoramic view of the city, which surprised us. We went for dinner and tried Okonomiyaki on the 8th floor where the staff cooked for us. Great experience.

* We got back to our room around 10 and noticed that there were still people working in the building across from us. At this time, we took a moment to reflect the first 10 days and how lucky we are to be here across the world. It reminded us that when it’s time to go home, we have to work even harder as Japan is a place we will want to return to.


# Day 11

* Today was Hiroshima and Himeji. We took the Shinkansen (about 50,000 for the day) that went to the Hiroshima Peace Museum and reconnected ourselves with history, politics and everything that shaped modern Japan. It was a great learning experience.

* Then we made our way back to Himeji to see the Castle. Too bad no Cherry Blossoms. It was also preserved from the ancient times, so there were a lot of knee high stairs to climb barefoot. My partner did not like that very much.

* Ended our night with some Yakiniku at Gyukaku back in Osaka.


# Day 12

* As a proud shareholder of the best company in the world, I had to visit Costco. Quite a trek from Osaka with a train and bus but we made it. I was so impressed by the different types of produce and meats and selection.
* Lots of furniture, decoration and tools that I wish I had room to bring back. Had lunch at the foodcourt and it was fantastic. We got one of everything and it was all about gluttony.
* Made our way to Kobe via bullet train and we took the Gondola up to the Herb Garden. Beautiful view of the city and it has a nice flower garden that we hiked down towards.

* Spent the night exploring the night market near Kobe Station and getting to Steakland for dinner. Bit of a tourist trap but we spent just under 30,000 yen getting various cuts of Kobe Beef. Very tender and delicious.

# Day 13

* Went to the Osaka Aquarium and to see the ocean port. It was a windy day but we had a sliver of sun that made the experience well worth it.

* Visited the Osaka Nature Museum and it was wonderful. All the descriptions were in Japanese and I had a nice time ingraining myself in translations. Very local feel to this museum and we spent about an hour learning about Osaka’s landscape and the ecosystem here.

* This was our last night at this hotel so we decided to go shopping. Okura, Komenya and Book Off were places we visited. Very nice selection of bags and watches. Also tried to do a bit of gunpla shopping but the Bic Camera and Yodobashi seemed to have been raided. No stock of any recent lineups.


# Day 14

* Check out of Hankyuu and commuted our luggage to Hotel Forza right in the middle of Dotonbori. This place was amazing in terms of location, size and price, at around 15,000 per night. We are only here for 2 nights before our next location. I wanted to live right in the action so could not have picked a better place.

* Went to Osaka Castle in the afternoon and finally saw a few cherry blossoms bloom. But it still seemed too early due to the cold snap that happened. Beautiful castle and the museum inside was really well done.

* Lots of educational information on the warring period, samurai’s rise and history of Japan. We bought some gifts at the souvenir shop because they looked delicious.

* Spent the night exploring Dotonbori.


# Day 15

* After browsing various stores for luxury goods, we decided Kyoto had the best price and we went back there to secure our items. Had Shabutei for lunch and it was great. Love Japanese beef.

* Spent the afternoon scootering in Kyoto, I really love the alleys and “old Japan”. It was a good escape from tourists and crowds. I noticed so many bikes in Japan are equipped with baby carriage, umbrella holders, and storage.

* So amazing, I will definitely try to take these ideas back to my country.
* Explored Dotonbori at night again as it was our final night in Osaka. We walked about 10 minutes north to eat at Tsukemen Suzume. We were the first in line when they opened at 6, and spent over an hour devouring the best noodles, thick soup, and add on rice.

* Spent the night shopping at various discount stores in Dotonbori. Bought a large luggage for 8,000 yen and packed everything. At this point we had 1 large suitcase and 1 carry on. Backpacks were just carrying essentials so they were very light. We were spending the next 3 days in Mt Fuji / Lake Kawaguchi, so we shipped all the luggages to Tokyo, the final leg of our journey.


# Day 16

* This was a busy day as it was a 5 hour journey to Lake Kawaguchi. We took the Shinkansen to Mishima station, where we booked a Sekitori bus to go up the mountain. Then we had our Ryokan send a shuttle to pick us up.

* The Ryokan is called Wakakusa no Yado Maruei. This was relatively inexpensive at 60,000 yen per night, including traditional Breakfast and Dinner. The view and private onsen was very spectacular. We went back to the station and rented bikes for our stay, around 10,000 for 3 days.

* Mt. Fuji was so majestic and had amazing gravitas to it. Fortunately the days we were there were close to 20C, very sunny and warm. Felt amazing to bike on the Lake Trail whilst enjoying the mountain view . We stopped every so often to admire and reconnect with nature.

* At this stage of the adventure, I began to notice something very different about myself. It was the need to spend quality time with loved ones, reconnect with nature, embrace and nurture physical health, eat clean and be content.

* Being in business, there comes a lot of high stress situations where certain sacrifices in relationships and time have to be made. It’s the “do what it takes” mentality that I have ingrained myself in.

* I felt so small standing underneath Mt Fuji and felt like it was the right place to be. Everything was peaceful, quiet, bird chirping and waves flowing. It became my happy place. My personal quest changed from making more money to finding ways to get more of nature and travel.

* It’s a fundamental change and I believe it is for the better. It reminded me of the story of “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, where the main character Ivan progresses through life with what society deems is successful, but in actuality it was superficial.

* Seeing the majestic mountain, biking through the lakes, while many cherry blossoms have flowered was just a once-in-a-lifetime view. It was simply breathtaking.

# Day 17

* Our first full day in Lake Kawaguchi was action packed. I woke up with a hot bath facing the mountain. Seeing its snowy peak and cold winds breezing through my hair, I stayed in the hotspring and admired it’s presence.

* Breakfast was served in our room and we got to enjoy a nice peaceful moment.
* We rode our bikes to various attractions, starting with the Panoramic Ropeway, stopping for a quick lunch, then headed to Arakurayama Sengen Park for the afternoon. Stopping at lots of scenic points to admire the great mountain from afar.

* Went to the main lake and rented a boat to take in the sights. Saw lots of cool views of the mountain that otherwise would not be accessible.

* Went back to the Ryokan for Dinner and more private onsen.


# Day 18

* We dropped off our bags in the station lockers before embarking on more biking around the lakes.
* Saiko lake was nearby and we had a nice time enjoying bentos with a view of Mt. Fuji. Our bus to Shinjuku was scheduled for 4pm so dropped off our bikes and said “see you later” to one of the best travel experiences we’ve had.

* The bus ride took about 2.5 hours back to Shinjuku, due to traffic. We went to GyuKaku near the station for dinner. Amazing experience grilling beef. We checked into our hotel.

* We are staying at the E-hotel right next to the Higashi Shinjuku stop. This was around 20,000 per night, we planned to stay here for 3 nights. Very convenient location with lots of restaurants and stores nearby.

* Went to bed early after a long day. Excited to see all the Cherry Blossoms


# Day 19

* Went to a whole bunch of parks that we heard had full blooms: National Theater, Chidoyafuchi Park, Roppongi Hills, Tokyo Midtown Garden, Yoyogi Park. All were very beautiful and exactly what we came here for.

* Had lunch at Kura and won two chopstick holders after 30 plates. Gotta celebrate the small wins!
* At night we went to the Meguro river, it was absolutely packed. We spent 2 minutes walking and bailed. Stopped by Don Qijote at the station to get another luggage and went back to the hotel. Shinjuku is very glamorous at night.

# Day 20

* Went to Soumai park and took a boat cruise. Nice to see the area from a different view. Got on top of the Skytree with the Temba Gallery, a lot more people than I thought, but the view was unbeatable. Tokyo has amazing architecture.

* Had Coco Curry for lunch and we decided it was time to buy some souvenirs. Cleaned out the place with over 25 boxes of curry. Stored it in the Asakusa locker and went to Ueno park Sakura Dori.
* It was just ok but I felt the crowds were too much.

* Went to the Chiyoda river and rented a rowing boat for about 2 hours. It was great to carve out a moment of peace. It was absolutely beautiful on the river. This place is both admired from far and being in it.


# Day 21

* Went to the Shinjuku Gyeon Garden for Hanami, it was beautiful to see all the large trees have bloomed. We had a good spot near a pink tree and spent time admiring it and people watch.

* Made a reservation at Teppan-yaki Tamanami on top of the Keio Plaza Hotel. This restaurant has a nice view of the city whilst the chef is cooking for us. We spent about 90,000 yen on lunch with excellent seafood, Hida Beef (A5), Kobe Beef (A4) and garlic rice.

* After lunch, we went to Surugaya for my Gunpla shopping. Had a great haul of Gundam Seed Freedom kits, figures, and books. Left everything at the Shinjuku Locker and went to the Lumine Est building for dinner and dessert. Lots of good options there.


# Day 22

* We are moving locations to Asakasa to be more central. Staying at the Hotel Sui which was only 14,000 per night. We had our luggages shipped and everything was so easy.

* Went to the Asukayana park to do a Hanami. It was a really nice vibe to be a part of Japanese locals and no tourists. Had an amazing time. Went to Ginza for shopping, visited the Muji Store, Don Quijote and several other discount stores. Had a buffet meal after shopping.


# Day 23

* Went to the imperial palace for their tour, luckily got in because we were early. A lot of people didn’t get in. I think it was only 300 per visit. Went to line up at Sushi Mawashizushi, this has to be the best Conveyor belt sushi restaurant I believe. Really great selection.

* Visited the Harry Potter store near the hotel and enjoyed the Yozakura event there. Did some more grocery shopping and watched a movie in the hotel. Funny enough it was called Bullet Train. So good.


# Day 24

* We took a special rapid train to Showa Kinen Park for a day trip. Rented a tandem bike and it was an amazing experience, we had it for the full day and got to enjoy every area of the park.

* First we did Hanami at the Sakura park, which was full of different varieties. Different colors and all, very pretty. We actually fell asleep and woke up after an hour with petals all over. Then we biked to the lake and rented a rowing boat.

* Great place to relax, be present and enjoy the moment. We probably saw over 10,000 people at the park but it did not feel packed at all. It was very spacious and everyone had a good space to spend time with loved ones. Great vibes overall.

* Got back to Shinjuku in the evening and went for Gyukatsu again. As a beef man I just love it. Triple portion (400gs) this time as the trip is winding down.


# Day 25

* Spent an hour in the morning to pack. I am an excellent packer. Equipped with many Amazon packaging cubes I was able to put about 100kgs of stuff into the suitcases. We didn’t shop much but it just ended up this way. Lots of drinks, snacks, sauces, curry and everything in between. Went to the Tokyo Tower to the observation deck. I love this view.

* Had lunch and went to the Tokyo National Museum. Very well done, capturing the history of 12,000 BC to present day. Lots of historical pieces, artifacts, notes, painting and more. Puts a cohesive story around the culture and politics at each different era.

* Went to Ameyoko district for Sushi. After that we got to experience more Yozakura at the Ueon park. This time it was beautiful with all the lanterns lit up. At 8pm all the lanterns turned off so we went shopping at Ameyoko. A few more things for me to pack.

* This was our last night in Japan. It felt so surreal, bittersweet, but mostly bitter. Sucks that we are leaving. I saw a 3 bedroom apartment in the Uji/Nara region for 4,000,000 yen. Seriously thought about it. We talked about all the fun we’ve had and how much we’d love to visit again. What an amazing place, people and culture.


# Day 26

* This was our last day in Japan, our flight was in the afternoon. The make full use of the day, we visited the National Art Gallery in Roppongi, stopped by Azabudai hills to pick up Coffee Beans at Arabica, and had Tsukemen one more time.

* Went to Narita to do some more snack shopping and got on the flight.

# Final thoughts

* Japan is an amazing country. There is something here for everyone. All we need to do is to be respectful, and have a good time.

* Yes there are some language barriers but every person I have encountered have genuinely tried to help.
* I have learned so much about this country, its history and culture, and my role in our big world.
* If we all just have a little bit more kindness, patience, and contentment, I think the world would be a better place.


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