How long should I wait before following up again with a Japanese recruiter? What is an appropriate gap between subsequent follow-ups?

On April 10, 2024, a recruiter from the Doda job portal contacted me, asking if I was interested in a job in Japan. According to her, based on my skillset, her company might have an opening for me, as she mentioned in the email. It’s worth noting that I live overseas, my entire Doda profile is in English, and the recruiter, who has a Japanese name, wrote everything to me in English.

I responded to her a few minutes later, and she promptly requested that I submit my work history and resume. I emailed her my resume right away, explaining that it contains my entire work history, and also attached my portfolio to the email. She acknowledged receipt of my resume and portfolio shortly afterward and informed me that she would get back to me soon after reviewing everything.

I waited two days and followed up with her on April 12, 2024, asking for an update on the exchange as I wanted to know if we were proceeding further, but I haven’t heard back from her since.

Today is April 15, and I am considering following up with her again. What is the proper etiquette for following up with a recruiter in Japan? How often should I do it and at what intervals? Or am I being scammed and have fallen victim to identity theft? The recruiter’s email address seems genuine. I am so confused; today is the fourth working day since our last exchange. I just want to know if I have been dropped or if I am still being considered for recruitment.

by RockNROllEmperor

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