The Complete JLPT N3 Grammar Video(Game) Textbook

The Complete JLPT N3 Grammar Video(Game) Textbook

by martiusmetal

  1. Just something that might be helpful from Gamegengo, goes through a pretty exhaustive list of N3 grammar points taken from both online resources and/or textbooks using in context video game examples, with his own added explanations on the way.

    Pretty incredible its almost 7 hours long clearly took a lot of work. Has previously done a 4 hour N4 and 2 and half hour N5 video too which really pales in comparison to this, which is interesting too as a lot of content creators tend to stop at this point just because its where most people aren’t looking for resources and/or don’t make it this far.



  2. I’ve been waiting for this! Was wondering how long it would get considering N4 was like 4 hours long

  3. I watched the N5 grammar and verb videos and was seriously impressed. Can’t imagine how much time it takes to put one of these together.

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