Currently undergoing 24h PH test at Showa Toyosu University hospital Tokyo

Hey from my comfy hospital bed. This is a post for those who deal with GERD, LPR, Barrett’s or reflux. I know I would have appreciated a post like this back in the day so here’s my experience so far.

Showa Toyosu is a beautiful hospital. Since it’s a University hospital, you will be seen by relatively young doctors. Some of the GI doctors speak no English at all, some speak some and one or two speak great English. DM me for the name of the English speaking doctor.

About today, the manometry test was brutal but made it through on my second try. The doctor was very kind and patient with me. I was a bit nervous about understanding his instructions correctly since I was panicking bad, but I got through it. For the manometry test they give you a numbing gel into your nostril and a little bit of “anesthesia” (I wasn’t under but my body felt a bit numb).

Next I was put under, and they proceeded with a couple other tests. When I woke up I had the 24h ph test tube in my nose. It’s unpleasant but manageable.

I also did a barium test. The barium test was much easier compared to ones I’ve done before for the general yearly health check ups.

After 24h of no food, I worked up quite the appetite and was able to eat almost all of my hospital dinner despite the tube.

I think that’s about it so far. Oh, no wifi in the rooms here, but luckily I downloaded a bunch of movies and brought a book to keep myself occupied.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

by TheTokyoBelle

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