Sendai > Hokkaido Luggage Delivery Service

In Sendai, is there a way to deliver my luggage from nearby Sendai station to my hotel in Sapporo?

Ta-q bin website shows that the counters in Sendai station service area is Miyagi prefecture, does this mean that it only delivers to Miyagi prefecture and I won’t be able to send it to Hokkaido?

by Emotional-Ad-6162

1 comment
  1. The easiest thing would be to have your hotel in Sendai handle it. They deal with this all the time.

    Failing that: [Here]( is the Japanese website for Sendai, which shows all the places you can send from there. Basically any convenience store should be fine, but they have an office for it too. Would not expect much in the way of English ability if you need help filling out forms and such there though.

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