Looking for advice on how to get out of the trap of drinking every weekend.

For background, I’m a Canadian who moved to Tokyo 7 months ago. In Canada I had been California sober for 7 years after quitting because of having a rather disruptive drinking problem. In Canada I would spend my weekends with friends, playing board games/ D&D or doing improv. I tried to get into those here but I found it to be a challenge to get people together for those things.

I’ve noticed that every weekend I basically just go out to some different bar with friends and its becoming a habit that I don’t want to continue. In fact, I would like to quit drinking entirely.

The problem is, it feels like a challenge finding other things to do with my N4 Japanese. Does anyone have advice? Sorry for the rambling text here.

Edit: Apparently someone went through and downvoted everyone’s comments. I want to assure you it wasn’t me. I really appreciate everyone’s suggestions and will be looking into [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) and trying to get out biking more 🙂

by goofandaspoof

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