How exactly can I move to Japan as a junior software engineer?

Hello everyone, I would like to get some advice and recommendations on how I can move to Japan, perhaps in the next year or so (not sure if it’s even realistic?)

I’m 25 this year, have total of 2.5 years of working experience, but only about 10 months as a dev ( I did a career transition ), have a degree in Economics. I also have JLPT N2 and can speak comfortably in casual settings, though I know I need to brush up on Keigo somehow.

I spoke to a few recruiters on LinkedIn and they advised that its worth a shot to try when I hit 1-1.5 YOE, and given my JLPT N2 I should be able to land some interviews, not sure how true this is.

Some questions I have for the senpais here:

1. Is it even worth applying once I have 1-1.5 YOE? I know that its best if I have >5 YOE and all that but life is short and I want to get my foot in the door.

2. Should I mainly go through recruiters or just apply on job sites? (LinkedIn, wantedly, etc)

3. Saw a lot of horror stories about low pay, is it….possible to get a salary of around 5M for someone my level?

by sharkiwdoggo

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