Best website to learn Japanese while bored at work

So, I leave my job in a month. I cannot work from home, but at the same time I really have nothing to do, so I spend my days scrolling reddit, twitter, YouTube. What would be your websites recommendations for 10mn learning sessions, quizzes, flashcards online maybe ? I cannot use Anki there. Level is between N4/N3. Thaaaaaank you

by ikemen38

  1. Renshuu is really good at keeping you busy, but I’d caution to only add new items one category at a time.

  2. 日本語の森 channel on youtube, wanikani for Kanji study, or you could try out NHK Easy News for immersion. []( also has a lot of quizzes. Other than that, try creating Twitter and Youtube accounts that only follow Japanese content you’re interested in.

  3. >I cannot use Anki there.

    You don’t have to have Anki installed, you can just use it straight from []( Of course the offline software is better, but web version can come in handy. Just don’t forget to sync.

  4. I was in a similar situation. I switched between Bunpro, Wanikani, Satori Reader, and NHK Web Easy.

    If I was feeling particularly ambitious, I would copy sentences from a switch game or light novel into Notion and then try to translate them using Jisho.

  5. I went ahead and got an account for Asahi Shimbun and it’s been going pretty well so far. They had an introductory offer for ¥100/month for the first two months so it’s not expensive, and the reading practice seems useful for JLPT/standardized tests as well as keeping up with stuff going on in Japan.

    You can always have another tab open with something like, but if you can get the [10ten/rikaichamp browser extension]( it can make things a lot smoother.


    Just throwing it in the mix of other responses. This prefecture quiz can be done in japanese which will boost your kanji recognition and will be useful for reading/watching news. Even if you’re not interested in moving to japan, learning a language is still more effective when you’re also interested in it’s history/geography, etc.

  7. If you want to learn (as opposed to [study](, I recommend using your spare time to read manga while referencing a reliable translation, and looking up the words you don’t know.

    For example:

    If you want study, many resources have already been recommended. I am biased, but think [Ashiba]( is great for kanji study if you are looking for a WaniKani or Anki alternative

  8. I’ve been using this app for learning hiragana and katakana specifically:

    I’ve tried a few different apps to see what I like best, and this one has been my favourite so far because it forces you to actually learn the characters rather than memorizing the shapes. You also learn how to do the correct strokes for each character, and it’s all in a nice flash card format.

    You do have to pay a small fee to unlock every lesson, but it worked so well for me I didn’t mind. There are other apps you can learn for free of course, but this one is the only one that has really helped me learn them well!

  9. Not a website, but one of my favorite teachers on youtube is Kaname Naito. His lessons are typically 10-15 minutes.

  10. I would have recommended but for now it’s mostly useful for N5 and N4 level.
    If you are already about N3 level I think a lot of immersion would be the best. like using the Japanese Amazon kindle and reading books. Maybe accompanied with a grammar/kanji learning Ressource. But several have already been named.

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