Keepin’ It Strong Style – EP 247 – G1 Climax 32 Finals Review

Keepin’ It Strong Style – EP 247 – G1 Climax 32 Finals Review

1 comment
  1. I think you can recognize that Naito is 40 with no knees and probably shouldn’t be getting a big push, while also acknowledging that he’s been the most popular guy in the company along with Tanahashi for the last 6 years. Okada will win out by default because he’s 7 years younger but he’s never connected with the crowd the way those two have. Gedo not pulling the trigger at WK12, and then Naito’s 2020 being spent in multiple 40 minute matches with Evil and a washed midcard Kenta probably wasn’t the best booking. I don’t think that’s “illogical” and the Ishii comparison doesn’t really make sense, he’s never connected with the crowd the way Naito did/does.

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