Is this normal?? So i was in tokyo station, standing in line for the turnstile type devise used enter the subway. I wasnt looking very closely but i believe a child of about 9-10 broke away from his mother and cut about 2 people in the line, the kid got in front of this mid 60’s year old woman who reered back and threw her solid leather wallet/coin pouch at the kids back! The kid coward down to the ground and the woman picked up her wallet and threw it again! By the third time the mother of the child ran up the line and grabbed the kid and tried pulling him away without getting hit herself. As the mother is trying to grab the kids hand this older woman picks up her wallet and throws it at the kid again! Finally without anybody saying a single word the mother pulls the kid away and runs away from the line. Nobody said a word (including me sadly) nobody else was looking except for me. Being a forigner in japan this made me extremely confused and angry. Is this normal??
by FreashlyCookdAvacado