Staying in Japan for work for one year. What to expect when leaving?

Hello! I’ve recently been hired by a japanese company and they will help me sponsor my visa and assist with my moving there. Thing is, I only plan to stay for one year, and I’m thinking about what to expect when it’s time to leave.

Since I’ll be renting an apartment, I think it’s safe to say I’ll have to pay a fine for leaving before the minimum two year permanence. I’ll have some money saved for that, and then there’s final utilities payments and the municipal fee, but is there anything else I should take into account when leaving? How much money would you consider saving in a situation like mine? I know I haven’t given specific numbers or names here for privacy reasons so there’s no way to give specific advice, I’m just trying to organize myself and get a broader notion of what to save and what to expect to see if it’s viable to do things this way

by ilivedbtchh

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