Question on cultural nuance regarding Heichō

I’ll try to be brief as possible. I am very much a beginner with Japanese. I’ve always had an interest because of my grandfather and since I’ve picked up calligraphy again I’d like to make something for him.

This includes his rank in the Marines, Lance Corporal. He actually didn’t reinlist because they weren’t going to station him in Japan and he had a newborn. It was his favorite place. That said, when trying to find the best translation, I came across Heichō as the best, most direct translation so far (Imperial Japan’s rank system is actually close to the US marines even the responsibilties of Lance Corporal and Heichō are similiar.) but I don’t know if there’s any negative connotation with that word since it hasn’t been used in the Japanes Defense Forces.

My other thought was to Nipponize “lance” and use Gochō.

Am I just way off here a. with the Nipponization or b. with both things I came up with? Is Heichō totally fine and I’m projecting/assuming things from my studies in German?

I know that’s a lot, and I do very much appreciate any help. I just see this as a learning opportunity and I do want to spend the time to get this right. Thank you so much

  1. This is far from “brief as possible”.

    You can add 伍長勤務上等兵 to your list of options although it doesn’t solve the problem you face. It’s not being used today, and it may possibly include negative connotation… if any.

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