About Japan work visa extension, please help me please.

I am a full time employee in japan at a company. i was caught by police in previous month for shoplifting. they took me to the police
station then took pics and fingerprints of mine. And their was write a small paper saying that I did a bad thing and promise not to do it again. And then they called to one person in my company he came and they talked he also sign this paper and they said i can go home .then they took me to the shop again to apologised.I said sorry to them.
I have 1 year visa(Engineer /humanity’s /International service) till October 2024.After the period can I renew my visa? May I fall any problem? Police said they didn’t arrested me And ,they will not give any information to the immigration. Because It was my first time,and
I was not arrested this time.And they didn’t give me any penalty or fine that’s why I can renew my visa.should I write in the visa extension application form that I have a crime record??Or not? I am too much worried. Could you guys tell me please exactly what it would be.I am really very anxious about it. And I am sorry, My English is not good.
Please kindly give me any solution 🙏

by ExaminationCrazy127

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