Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 07, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. puzzling a bit about this:

    > 水筒の水はお情けの程度に底にほんの少ししか残っていない。

    Context: someone is crossing the desert during a sandstorm.

    I think it says, “Only a little of water remained in bottom of the water bottle”. I am getting a bit tripped up by お情けの程度に, something about the degree of mercy.

    Is it like, “The only amount of mercy he had was that there was a little water left in the bottom of the water bottle”

  2. Hello!

    I’m working on Genki 1 Lesson 8 Exercises. I’m currently on page 200 and there is this sentence:


    After staring at it for like 10 minutes, I realized it translates to “What do you think about the university’s cafeteria?”.

    But I’m confused why it translates it to that. Like 大学の食堂 means University’s cafeteria. について means about or regarding. 思いますか means do you think?. But I’m confused how “どう” becomes “what” in terms of the English translation, because I know “どう” means “how”. Can someone help me understand why?

    Also, second question is: why isn’t 何 used instead of どう? Like, why isn’t the sentence, 大学の食堂について何思いますか?

    Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate your time!

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