Where to stay in Kyoto and Tokyo?

Hi all!

I am currently planning out my trip to Japan and will be staying in both Kyoto and Tokyo, but I am having trouble making up my mind on where to stay.

For Kyoto, I’d like to be closer to the Gion area/downtown area. Does anyone have any hotel suggestions for this area / any advice when picking a hotel around here?

For Tokyo, I’m really torn on where to stay. I’m considering Shibuya, Shinjuku, Asakusa, or Ueno.

I am not a partier/clubber and will be traveling alone. I’m more of “stay out until 9-10PM at the LATEST” type of person and like to get up really early. However, I wouldn’t mind being able to sneak out for a couple of drinks at night.

I love the idea of staying in a more laid-back area like Asakusa or Ueno, but I’m nervous that there won’t be any good places for me to pop out to at night. I usually like to hang closer to my home base at night. I’d open to traveling to Shibuya/Shinjuku at night for a couple of drinks if it’s easy enough though.

On the otherhand, I typically like to take a break at my hotel between day and night. I’m sure it would be easy enough to spend the day in Shibuya/Shinjuku, pop back into my hotel in Ueno/Asakusa, and then pop back to Shibuya/Shinjuku if I want to get a drink or two (or just experience Tokyo at night). Staying in Shibuya/Shinjuku would make my day/night break a lot easier and make it easy to return to my hotel after a few drinks as well.

And for what it’s worth, I will be flying out of Haneda airport.

SO TLDR: Does anyone have any suggestions on the following?:

1. Gion/downtown Kyoto hotel recommendations (around $100USD a night would be nice, I don’t need anything fancy and love savign money)
2. Whether to stay in Ueno, Asakusa, or Shibuya/Shinjuku based on my description above. (and any personal experiences would help!)
3. Depending on your response to #2, any hotel recommendations (again, around $100USD a night would be nice)

Thank you to everyone who comments in advance!!

by seeking-answers_

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