Do you need a bag?

I recently went to Japan, and seems like every store or shop I went to had a different way of saying do you need a bag. Could you list down all the ways this can be said? Thanks!

by albertsy2

  1. レジ袋をご利用ですか?(Reji bukuro o goriyou desu ka?) That’s pretty much what I hear all the time.

  2. Today I got “袋、どうしますか?” but it’s a konbini lady I see nearly everyday so she’s casualling up her service Japanese a wee bit

  3. You know what? There are plenty of ways to ask it, especially depending on where you go.

    Why don’t you just remember how to say both

    “I’d like a bag.”


    “I don’t need a bag.”

    That would be a lot easier than trying to remember all the potential ways you could be asked if you need a plastic bag.

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