Any simpler money transfer services compared to Wise?

Wise’s verify your ID every single time and constantly failing to actually read the information on my card is beyond infuriating. The fee disparity between new transfers and repeating transfers is borderline scam territory. Gettin fed up with using them. Any other easier to use services out there?

by MrSlurpee

  1. Every service will require KYC one way or another. It’s not going to get any “simpler”. You’re about 20 years too late to the easy money laundering game.

  2. What’s the problem? My suggestion is to keep writing new emails to the support until you get a person that gives you a proper solution.

    They kept rejecting my Juminhyo and the reason didn’t make sense, after that I decided to write a new email to the support, and after a few attempts one person finally gave me a solution to simply hide with a piece of paper some non-required information from the Juminhyo.

  3. I think wise is already the best that we have here. I would recommend to get in touch with them and manage to get it running.

  4. Revolut, not as good as wise, but pretty much any service that deals with money transfer is going to ask for your ID.

  5. I would convert from JPY to USD with Sony or Shinsei and transfer USD via SWIFT. Just check how much your US bank charges to receive incoming SWIFT.

    Also note, splitting larger amounts into smaller transfers could be seen as structuring which is illegal under US (but not JP) law. Depends on the specifics of course, just a general advice to not get into unnecessary trouble.

  6. fee disparity between new and repeat transfers? Fees are the same. Did you have any sort of discount code at the beginning?

  7. No. It’s pretty simple and straightforward for me. They only checked my ID when I first opened the account.

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