Do trains on different lines coordinate with each other ?

Sometimes when you reserve a train ticket it involves changing a train with the time gap quite low (say 2-3 mins). What happens if the first train is late by 2-3 mins ? Today I am in Shikoku for the first time. Trains are infrequent here. Thanks to golden week, the bus tickets to my destination were all sold out for the evening. I was left with this only option of using a couple of 2 hour train journeys with 3 mins gap in between. Both are of course run by JR Shikoku but are on different lines and hence one has to transfer to a different platform (which takes roughly 2 mins if you know where to go and 1 min if you run). My first train was late and I had given up hopes. But to my delight I saw the second train was waiting for me and another person from the first train. Since my tickets were all reserved is it possible that they made sure that we are able to catch the second train ? What happens if someone fails to go to the correct platform in such a short amount of time? Do they refund it or book the next train or is it a loss?

by StruggleHot8676

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